Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Offline Copywriters Have To Be Good Or We Don't Eat.

Kids today are growing up online.  We can’t ignore this trend either and won’t.   Did you know that over 50% of the worlds population is under 30, and that 96% have joined a Social Network.   In fact . . .

Social Media Is Considered  The Biggest
Movement Shift Since the Industrial Revolution

Did you also know that now Facebook out ranks Google as the number one traffic source in the United States.   If Facebook was a country it would be the third largest country in the world behind, China and India.  The United States is fourth, that’s how big Facebook is right now.    The growth is alarming. 

That’s why I do think that eventually traditional direct mail to Boomers will run it’s course, but right now it’s very effective strategy and can be very lucrative.   It’s more of a niche marketing strategy to the opportunity market.  No need to worry, because we have years before it will run it’s course.

The other thing is because I am a Boomer, I understand more of the frustrations we confront and think about.   Such as aging.  Hairline.  Man boobs.  “What’s the funny feeling in my neck.”   Do I need to take my Bayer aspirin for the day.   Thinking about our own immortality.   No not another Viagra email.   Perhaps your inability to keep up with advancing technology.  It can be intimidating.

It doesn’t help when we hear crazy stuff in the news about the possibility of Social Security running out.  Won’t happen.  The chatter alone is disturbing.  Despite the huge growth of Social Media, direct marketing is still a very lucrative medium.

For instance, I was listening to an interview that marketing guru Ken McCarthy was giving to Brian Kurtz, Vice President of Boardroom Books, a direct marketing publishing empire that today does over $100 million a year.   Despite the growth of social media and the Internet, today they still do over $66 million offline from traditional direct mail.

He went on to say that many Internet marketers are missing the boat in regard to offline marketing.  So much so that many have become sloppy marketers and are putting out a lot of junk — junk that would never make it in the offline world. 

Listen, when you’re not paying for postage it’s not uncommon to lose the discipline and detail of strong copywriting.  That’s why successful direct marketers are the best advertisers because we have our “Butt” on the line. 

If many of these kids, or young online supposed guru’s had to actually fork out money for postage, they would definitely think twice about sending out some of the stuff they’re sending out.   There’s no question that email marketing has diluted excellent copywriting.  Everything looks alike online.  

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