Friday, March 25, 2011

What’s More Important An Excellent Product Or A Great Sales Letter!

This dilemma is often of great debate with many marketers.  Personally to me, I would say a sales letter on first glance. Because without a great sales letter your product won’t move – even if it is better then the competition.

What’s the saying “Build A Better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door.”  Well, they sure won’t if you don’t market the product well. Remember, marketing always precedes you product. Your customers will always see your sales literature before ordering the product.  That’s why I always recommend . . .

Write Your Sales Letter
First Leaving No Stone Unturned And Then
Write Your Ebook or Report In Response to Your Letter!

In other words, write your sales letter first and make it so enticing and compelling that you would say to yourself “Geez, I would want that book or product.” 

Then give the letter to your friends and ask them what they think.  Ask them would they be interested in the product after reading your letter even if they weren’t your typical mail order customer.  If they say yes, then you need to go create a product to match the letter.

“There’s only one way to get anybody to do anything – and
that is by making the other person want to do something.”
                            Dale Carnegie

                     Many a small thing has been made large by
                                  the right kind of advertising.
                            Mark Twain

But here is the problem when it comes to only having a great sales letter.  Sure A great sales letters can make you some wonderful money and do so pronto. But it alone won’t make you permenantly rich.  Yes nice money, but in the long term not “Be Rich.”  After all, the “Real” purpose of successful enterprise is putting permanent “Good Money” in your bank account – certainly if possible.

Let me give you an example of superb marketing in execution, but with a below average product.  “The Pet Rock.”  Think about this for a second. Here is a guy that actually made over a million dollars some 30 plus years ago selling a rock. Of course, not a particular creative product – but this product became nothing short of a legendary phenomena. Partly because of the gall the creator had for thinking of selling such a product. Here is a guy that literally became a millionaire selling a rock.

            It was of course a quick hit product.  Certainly not a product you could “Build” a fortune around.  Once people got the joke – it wasn't funny anymore.

Yet he made millions.  How?  Because he was selling a concept, not a product.  It was how he packaged the product that made it work.  

 On further thought, he wasn’t really selling a rock.  He was selling a concept – a concept of having a Pet Rock.  The rock was a mere prop.  What he was selling was the packaging.  It was how he packaged the rock is what made it work.  He packaged it in a portable kennel, with an instructional booklet on how to care for your Pet Rock.  He even had instruction on how you could get your rock to perform special tricks.  The booklet was well written and hilarious – and it worked.

There’s a huge lesson learned here.

             In reality you do need a strong product if you want to get permanently wealthy.  And preferably a product that produces repeat purchases.  Ideally you need continuity ordering if you want to make great money.  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Four Direct Marketing Tips To Remember

              Offers are the key to direct marketing success:  What’s an offer?  An offer is your hook that compels your customer to respond “Risk Free” to your offer.   For instance, our $9.95 21-day trial is an offer.  Allowing customers to post date their checks is an offer.  A double money-back guarantee is an offer. You can pay in three installments is an offer.  Offers will always increase sales.

             Your offer can increase response as much as 100%.  For instance, I tested one of my letters where I didn’t offer the $6.95 free trail and response dropped as much as 100%.  That’s significant.  Of course, when your offer free trials it will increase your number of returns, bad checks and declined credit cards, but despite such issues, you will still make more money.

            Did you know return envelopes can increase response by 33%.   I use return envelopes for all my mailings.  I don’t include them in the small mailings of 1,000 because I don’t know if they are as cost effective for such mailings.  However, if you’re going to mail 5,000 envelopes, I do recommend that you use them.  It will cost you an additional $200 — which would essentially be covered with four orders.  Let’s say you get 100 orders without return envelopes, you would receive 133 with them.  That would come to an additional $1,500 and $1,300 in additional money in your pocket.   

             The money is always in the backend:   In direct marketing it’s critical that you have a back end offer — a second offer on the back, and preferably something that can provide you recurring income. Or, a higher ticket product such as a course, high end training materials or seminar.  And/or, at least allows you to be leveraged with an ever growing numbers of mailers under you.  That’s also why we are going to be making the course available for commissions starting the New Year.

            Refunds, Bad Checks, & Returns, often the difference between profit and loss:   A lot of times you can have your mailing bring in enough orders to turn a profit, but it’s the returns, bad checks and declined credit cards that can sometimes take a profitable mailing and make it a loss.  It’s just a part of this business  you can’t avoid. It’s also important that we address and honor all returns as to keep our name clean and free of complaints. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

In Tough Times You Have To Learn To Go Where The Money Is

      Infamous bank robber, Willie Sutton was known as a prolific U.S. bank robber. He robbed about 100 banks from the late 1920s to his final arrest in 1952 -- with several prison terms in between. He was also a master at breaking out of prisons.

           Sutton is famously known for answering a reporter who asked why he robbed banks and saying, "Because that's where the money is.”  In other words, success many times is simply about the obvious.  That’s why . . .

There’s One Market Sector that Typically Does Better
The Worse the Economy Gets – And, It’s Our Business!

When the economy is bad your suppliers are also affected by the economy as well. It’s called the trickle down effect. Yet, as quiet as it’s kept, people that market and sell money making opportunity resources typically do better the worse the economy gets. 

On the other hand, certain business industries struggle during a recession whereas other businesses don’t. For instance, if you work in finance, automobile sales, retail, real estate and/or the residential industries, your industry will probably be impacted more then most. 

However, like us, if you’re in the healthcare and money making industries, chances you just may experience a boom in your business.  The good news with us – is that we are in both industries – healthcare and opportunity.

People will always get sick.  People will always need vitamins, supplements and health related pharmaceutical drugs. That’s a given regardless of the state of the economy.

Health related occurrences are economy free.  Such products could care less about the state of the economy; interest rates or the Dow Jones industrial.  Just as tomorrow is virtually insured of coming, people will always have ailments, maladies and concerns and will pay dearly to alleviate them. 

On the other hand, as the economy worsens, the two areas that will always remain of high interest is one’s ability to make more money and remain healthy.

You can be certain that during a recession, people will start looking for other means of income – which is also why now is such a great time to capitalize on the wellness market.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

This Is Just Amazing!

Moral of Story:  Confidence is everything!

             You have to act like you belong.  Even if you don’t think you do.   You need to at least show that you do, even if only in your mind.  Because what you firmly believe in your mind — eventually can and will become your reality.

            My father used to always say, “Perception is reality.”  When you begin to really believe your new (successful) reality others eventually will as well.  They can’t but help too.   That’s why I always recommend that you hang around achievers.  Go to their seminars or conferences.   Mingle and network.   Many times they will see themselves in you when they first got started.   Be confident in your new destiny. 

            Understand there’s a difference between confidence and arrogance.   Confidence is quiet.  Arrogance is brash and annoying.  

          Confidence is having the belief that you belong.

          I think why the lions were alarmed is because no animal on earth ever approaches them in such situations.   It’s a new experience for them.  A new reality.  Most animals run from lions, not come towards them.   Particularly when they’re eating.   The tribesmen showed no fear.  Animals keenly sense fear.   They didn’t have any.

            What’s interesting was how the tribesmen knew they needed to act fast, because it could quickly change if they showed any vulnerability.    The tribesmen were smart enough to know to only take a portion of the Wildebeest and leave most of it for the lions.

             There’s a very powerful message in their actions.   The main one was that confidence is entirely a mental state.   Sane or not sane.   It’s about not being afraid.

            The tribesmen were really “Bluffing” the lions.   Those lions could have easily killed those tribesmen if they attacked them.  If so, we would have laughed calling 
them fools!

            That’s why one of the biggest mistakes you can make is to believe you’re too old to do something.  

             Too old for what?   Too old for living your life more fully. Daring  yourself what might have been.

Did You Know You're Only One Direct Mail Letter Away From A Fortune.

How profitable is direct mail letter writing?

Extremely.  For instance, I had one letter I wrote that generated over $375,000 in four months. One letter that took me a couple days to write generated over $75,237 in sales in just two months. One simple letter I recently wrote has already generated over $48,000 in sales and I probably spent no more than three days writing it. 

Is that cool, or what?   Likewise, I can teach you how to turn everyday 'taken for granted' paper into money.  

Of course I can't guarantee you will have the same results.   I'm a professional direct mail copywriter.  I've been at this a long time and have studied from the greats.  I can guarantee you that I reveal to you everything I know.

Understand that is what is so beautiful about the magic of direct marketing. It gives you the ability to immediately take back control of your life. To live an exquisite life of luxury and comfort I’m sure you so crave in your life right now.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

“If You Cannot Afford An Opportunity — Then You Probably Cannot Afford To Pass It Up!”

Well, back in the day I decided to attend one of those traveling infomercial opportunities that would hit local markets about some home based opportunity.  Well after you attend the intro event they usually try to backend you into the main program. 

            It was a three day workshop for $297 — which was a lot of money back then.   Any way I had to tell the guy putting on the seminar that I would not be able to attend.  I could  not afford to pay $297.

            I was embarrassed to admit to him that I couldn’t afford to attend because it was revealing my true state.   A state I really didn’t want anyone to know about.   When he heard why I told him why.  He responded by saying . . .
“If You Cannot Afford It —
Then You Cannot Afford To Pass It Up!”

            I then told him I that I just didn’t have the money.   

            He then promptly asked me, “How long have you been working?”

            I said, “Well, I’m not working now.   I got laid off.”

            “I’m sorry about that,” he responded.  Then said, “Let me ask you this . . . when you did work, how many hours a week did you work.”

            I said, “At least 40 to 50 hours a week for four years.”

            The guru then said “If you take 40 hours a week times 50 for four years that’s over 8,000 hours you spend making someone else rich.  What do you really have to show for it?”

            I was like wow he had a point.  All that and I still couldn’t afford $297.

            He then said, “Chris that’s just for four years.  There are people doing this for ten and twenty years . . . .

             Do you know how many people I talk to during this work shop that tell me the same thing.  They cannot afford to attend.   All ages.   People in their thirties, fifties, and seventies.    People that really cannot afford not to attend this workship.  They really can’t.    They have it all backwards.  These are people that have spent literally thousands of hours not being able to afford to save their lives.”

            The guru then asked me if I considered myself a hard worker.

            I said, “Sure.”

            “Well here’s a chance for you to take back control of your life.  Teach you how to become independent and free from someone that is already a self made multi-millionaire and you’re thinking you cannot afford to do this,”  he responded.

            “If you cannot afford this, you cannot afford to pass it by.”

            He then said “What if I could guarantee that if you could increase your income by over one hundred thousand dollars over the next 12 months with the secrets I want to share with you, would the $297 be worth it to you?  Would it be worth it to you to take a chance on this.”

            I told him “Man I’m really struggling right now.  I’ve had to move home.  I’ve depleted my savings.

            He then said “Let me ask you this Chris.  Do you see yourself as a good investment?  Because if  you don’t think you’re a good investment, why should anyone else?” 

            Okay, the multi-millionaire dude was blowing me away with such commensense logic.

            You know, asking me if I thought I was worth at least $297 to take a chance on empowering and taking back control of my life.  Of course I thought so. 

            He had me.  Now I had to find out.   I didn’t want to be the person looking back on his life  in regret. Thinking what could have been.   And you know what . . .

It Was The Best
Decision Of My Life Bar None!

            It’s one of the reasons why I’m where I am today.    I will admit I convinced my parents to help pay for it, but it was worth it.   It was great training.  I learned a lot about direct response marketing.  Learning not to only speak to one person at a time, but to always speak to people in numbers.   The work shop was instrumental in my direct marketing development. 

            Many of the principals I learned there are still relevant today — even on the Internet. 

            Here’s what else I learned.           

            In life there is a cost of doing something and there’s also a cost for not doing something.   I was looking at the cost of doing something when I should have really been looking at what it would cost not to attend. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Offline Marketing Versus Online Marketing

Online is ultimately where you want to be . . . But . . .

It’s a well known fact that only 5% of the people who try to make money online are successful. That means that 95% of them fail to make money online.

The biggest reason making money online is so hard is because it actually takes skill and patience to do it. It’s not quite as easy as the web letters make it out to be.   

 As you may already know, there’s a tremendous learning curve online.  The upside is tremendous once you build an email list, but you will have to exercise patience to build your network and brand.   For some, it’s just too much and overwhelming.

You know, having to learn things like list building, article submission, blogging, SEO, Keeping up with (The Artful Dodger) Google who is always changing the game and getting more expensive by the day, Social Media Growth, Twitter, Deliverability, etc.  It can be frustrating trying to learn how to generate traffic.  Not to mention how competitive it is. 

Don’t get me wrong!

Ultimately you have to have a web presence if you ever want to be taken serious as business owner.   It’s where everything is going.  However, that doesn’t mean you can’t do direct mail as well.  In fact:

Direct Mail Is The Perfect Business For Those
Impatient And Want To Get Into Money Fast

If want to 'get into money fast' and take an aggressive approach to your marketing, you should consider taking what you’re doing online and taking it offline directly to your most targeted customers.

It certainly could allow you to make some nice early money and then slowly transition your offline business online.    In other words, make money as you learn. 

Offline if you have a strong "Free Recorded Message" postcard or sales letter and a decent list you can reach your market immediately.   You do have more money at risk because of  the cost of printing and postage.   It does take know how and extreme attention to detail, because you can lose your shirt if you don’t know what you’re doing.  No need to worry, because if you decide to team up with me as a consultant,  I will hold your hand and guide you.

Still don’t believe people respond by direct mail?

According to an article written last year by Mal Warwick, direct mail is alive and kicking.  In the article he stated that in the fund raising industry more money is raised through direct mail than email, in fact he says that email only accounts for 2 percent of the total funds raised in the United States by non profits, that is only $7 billion out of $306 billion.

Obviously at this point, I don’t have to keep selling you on the merits of direct mail.

There’s not a better way for you to quietly dominate a market with very little competition.  I’m living proof.  If you want, I will teach you everything I know and you can initially just test drive my knowledge and expertise for a buck.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What The New York City Caricature Vendor Hustle Can Mean To Your Bottom Line

Sign reads: “Need money for
 beer, pot and Hookers.  At least
 I’m not bull shittin you!

It’s been quite an interesting month for April and I.  First of all we spent Memorial Weekend in New York City.  We typically like to visit the city a couple times a year. We really enjoy plays and the city ambiance.

There is no city in the world quite like New York City. The simultaneous smell of roasted nuts, hot dogs, shish kabob, and urine all combined in one aroma only NYC can bring you!  We stayed in Time Square — a half block from where the Times Square car bomber parked his SUV.  Right in front of Toy’s R Us.  

What was remarkably amazing is that one of the street vendors on that corner was not even aware of the whole car bomber incident.  How do I know?  I asked him.  He was like . . ."What are you talking about.”

I just paused . . . looked at April and said “Geez, dude would have just been dead.”  

Of course, being a marketer, I always try to see the marketing lesson in everything I do and I will tell you one that I is quite clever are the street vendor caricature artists. 
You walk by them and they will say “Caricature five dolla!”  Of course, you’re thinking “Five bucks, that’s cheap.” 

Here’s where they get you . . .

The frames are twenty bucks!

As a tourist you can’t travel with your picture not in a frame it will get wrinkled.  They bottom up sell you.  How clever, but is it really. 

It’s the same concept with a free trial offer, eh?  Pay only $6.95 now and we will process your order for $57 for the balance.  Only the street vendor tells you after the fact.  You can of course turn down the card board frame, but no one ever does.

Perhaps.  Here’s what I mean.  April and I were chilling in Time Square one of the evenings when we saw a young guy with a Mohawk holding a sign that read “Homeless, Broke, and Just Looking for Some Weed.”

Shaking my head. Only in New York.  

We saw a Cop approach him and tell him he had to move.  Probably within five minutes the same Cop walked by us and I asked him about the “Weed Dude.”  He laughed.
He told us pan handlers can’t loiter, they have to move.  We talked about the “Naked Cowboy.”  Here’s what was amazing . . . April and I saw this drunk pan handler with a sign that read  “Please donate so I can stay drunk on beer.” 

The cop said that guy has been in New York for years pan handling and took all his money from pan handling and purchased a $75,000 home in Pennsylvania.  Amazing!

At least if you’re going to pan handle, give people a chuckle and they will be more inclined to donate, if for anything your gall. 

Most evidence confirms that panhandling is not lucrative, although some panhandlers clearly are able to subsist on a combination of panhandling money, government benefits, and money from odd jobs.  However, if I were you, I’d keep my day job. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Email Over Load With The Next Guru Scam Launch! Oh Please!

How's your email box?  
Whereas your mailbox
 ain't got much!

Mine is overloaded with all these over hyped Clickbank offers.   Geez, it's crazy.  Not to mention most of the offers are promoting a bunch of rehashed garbage.  Most don't even tell you what the offer is about.  Only that 32 year old Harry Hype is making $127,237 a month from only four clicks because he figured out how to "trick" Google. 

"Geez, I need to get that."    Not!!

What I have found interesting is that some respected Internet marketers are promoting some of these offers as well.  It makes me even wonder if they purchase the offers they're promoting.  Or, do the programs even really work.  It really starts to become a credibility issue. 

Making money becomes almost too easy.  The easy lure with Internet marketing comes when you have a huge email list of some 100,000 plus names and you're in an affiliate contest.  Sometimes these guys get more caught up in winning the contest then they really are about helping their customers by promoting such a "weak or over hyped" product. 

Plus, because it doesn't really cost them much of anything to send out those 100,000 emails, they really have nothing to lose.  It's not like it's costing them postage.  The lure of easy money is just too tempting -- and they do make huge money.

Ironically what they do lose is their credibility.  You start to feel that perhaps they don't have their customers best selling out to greed.  What you also don't know is that such offers do incur a lot of charge-backs, declines and refunds.   
Personally to me it's not worth it in the long run.  Everyone ultimately has to make their own decisions.   

I say all this to say to Internet Gurus . . . what about the customer.  Who has their back?

Well, for one, I do. 

I suggest go more low key even if you are making a killing.  Don't lose touch with your customers and what they're really going through. Make everything seem more approachable.  More reachable.

I tend to respond to people that more homesy and folksy.   People like Marlon Sanders, Willie Crawford or Jennifer the Potpiegirl.    No matter how wealthy you get in this business, never lose touch of the heartbeat of your market.   You will do better in the long run. 

Offline Copywriters Have To Be Good Or We Don't Eat.

Kids today are growing up online.  We can’t ignore this trend either and won’t.   Did you know that over 50% of the worlds population is under 30, and that 96% have joined a Social Network.   In fact . . .

Social Media Is Considered  The Biggest
Movement Shift Since the Industrial Revolution

Did you also know that now Facebook out ranks Google as the number one traffic source in the United States.   If Facebook was a country it would be the third largest country in the world behind, China and India.  The United States is fourth, that’s how big Facebook is right now.    The growth is alarming. 

That’s why I do think that eventually traditional direct mail to Boomers will run it’s course, but right now it’s very effective strategy and can be very lucrative.   It’s more of a niche marketing strategy to the opportunity market.  No need to worry, because we have years before it will run it’s course.

The other thing is because I am a Boomer, I understand more of the frustrations we confront and think about.   Such as aging.  Hairline.  Man boobs.  “What’s the funny feeling in my neck.”   Do I need to take my Bayer aspirin for the day.   Thinking about our own immortality.   No not another Viagra email.   Perhaps your inability to keep up with advancing technology.  It can be intimidating.

It doesn’t help when we hear crazy stuff in the news about the possibility of Social Security running out.  Won’t happen.  The chatter alone is disturbing.  Despite the huge growth of Social Media, direct marketing is still a very lucrative medium.

For instance, I was listening to an interview that marketing guru Ken McCarthy was giving to Brian Kurtz, Vice President of Boardroom Books, a direct marketing publishing empire that today does over $100 million a year.   Despite the growth of social media and the Internet, today they still do over $66 million offline from traditional direct mail.

He went on to say that many Internet marketers are missing the boat in regard to offline marketing.  So much so that many have become sloppy marketers and are putting out a lot of junk — junk that would never make it in the offline world. 

Listen, when you’re not paying for postage it’s not uncommon to lose the discipline and detail of strong copywriting.  That’s why successful direct marketers are the best advertisers because we have our “Butt” on the line. 

If many of these kids, or young online supposed guru’s had to actually fork out money for postage, they would definitely think twice about sending out some of the stuff they’re sending out.   There’s no question that email marketing has diluted excellent copywriting.  Everything looks alike online.