This dilemma is often of great debate with many marketers. Personally to me, I would say a sales letter on first glance. Because without a great sales letter your product won’t move – even if it is better then the competition.
What’s the saying “Build A Better mouse trap and the world will beat a path to your door.” Well, they sure won’t if you don’t market the product well. Remember, marketing always precedes you product. Your customers will always see your sales literature before ordering the product. That’s why I always recommend . . .
Write Your Sales Letter
First Leaving No Stone Unturned And Then
Write Your Ebook or Report In Response to Your Letter!
In other words, write your sales letter first and make it so enticing and compelling that you would say to yourself “Geez, I would want that book or product.”
Then give the letter to your friends and ask them what they think. Ask them would they be interested in the product after reading your letter even if they weren’t your typical mail order customer. If they say yes, then you need to go create a product to match the letter.
“There’s only one way to get anybody to do anything – and
that is by making the other person want to do something.”
Dale Carnegie
the right kind of advertising.
Mark Twain
But here is the problem when it comes to only having a great sales letter. Sure A great sales letters can make you some wonderful money and do so pronto. But it alone won’t make you permenantly rich. Yes nice money, but in the long term not “Be Rich.” After all, the “Real” purpose of successful enterprise is putting permanent “Good Money” in your bank account – certainly if possible.
Let me give you an example of superb marketing in execution, but with a below average product. “The Pet Rock.” Think about this for a second. Here is a guy that actually made over a million dollars some 30 plus years ago selling a rock. Of course, not a particular creative product – but this product became nothing short of a legendary phenomena. Partly because of the gall the creator had for thinking of selling such a product. Here is a guy that literally became a millionaire selling a rock.
It was of course a quick hit product. Certainly not a product you could “Build” a fortune around. Once people got the joke – it wasn't funny anymore.
Yet he made millions. How? Because he was selling a concept, not a product. It was how he packaged the product that made it work.
On further thought, he wasn’t really selling a rock. He was selling a concept – a concept of having a Pet Rock. The rock was a mere prop. What he was selling was the packaging. It was how he packaged the rock is what made it work. He packaged it in a portable kennel, with an instructional booklet on how to care for your Pet Rock. He even had instruction on how you could get your rock to perform special tricks. The booklet was well written and hilarious – and it worked.
There’s a huge lesson learned here.