Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Advertise Or Die . . .

In business they say you’re either or dying or growing. Never both.

It’s so true. Marketing is easily the most important element to any successful business. You have to sell yourself. You have to create intrigue and interest about what you promote. I like to call it being interesting.

There is a marketing saying that say "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door." Yet, marketing is typically the budget that most companies cut first when it comes to expenses. When in actuality it should be the last.

Think about this . . .

Direct marketing is a business completely dependent on marketing. Mail letters make money. Mail letters, people join your downline. The more you mail, the more people join.
Even if your passive with us right now, how we build our downline is by everyone mailing my letters. The life changing insight for me was learning that I needed to learn how to have money coming to me on a daily basis.

The same will happen for you as well. Listen, money is fluent. It’s always flowing in the universe. In other words, it’s out here it’s just not flowing to you. Why not start having some of this money flowing to you. You can when apply direct marketing strategies.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How to Have Your Offline Direct Marketing Pay For Itself

What happens when most people think about doing traditional direct mail the first thing that comes to their mind is "Geez, it's going to cost too much."

I mean, pay for printing and postage. Talk about sticker shock.  Then when you compare it to the cost of email (which cost nothing) you can see why most people gravitate toward the Internet.  Don't let that deter you.  It's a mistake that could be costing you thousands.  Remember the reasons you're in business is to make money.  If you spend $1.00 for something and it brings back $2.50 you're making money.  It shouldn't matter if it's online or offline.  The question you need to ask yourself is how much are you paying for your leads.

You also have to consider your competition as well.  There's a lot less competition offline then there is online.  You can milk a market offline with a lot less competition and no one really has to know.  For instance, in my email box I get a ton of emails from different opportunities online.  Tons.  (I'm on a lot of email lists).  It's very competitive -- particularly in the make money online market.  Whereas in someone's mailbox you have a lot less competition.  What you want to do is blend both offline marketing with online marketing.  That's a blog entry for another day.

What you want to implement is a "Self Financing" direct mail campaign.  In other words, a direct marketing campaign that pays for itself and breaks you even on the front.  Remember, marketing is about generating qualified leads for as little money as possible.  It's no different online as it is offline.

The best way to do this offline is to charge for your information, but with a 21 day or 30 day limited risk trial offer.  Ask your customers to initially pay say $7.95 or $9.95 for your information, with the condition that if after 21 days if they don't return it their will be a one-time charge of $47 for the information .   

This has to be clearly spelled out in your literature.   If not you could get in trouble.   If you say 21 days, don't charge them the one time cost until at least 28 days.  Give yourself some leeway here.  Also offer at least a 30-day money-back guarantee.  I go into a lot more detail about this in my course.

I've tested asking for the full amount in advance versus the trial offer and the trial literally crushes asking for full payment in advance versus offering a trial.

If your marketing pays for itself then each lead you received . . . well didn't cost you anything.  Free marketing and cost free leads.  

The good news is with the right list and offer with a trial offer you can actually make good money on the front end.  I have.  There have been times I've turned three and four times cost just on the front end.  This does not even take into consideration what I was able to earn on the backend!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Building Your Direct Marketing Business The Right Way

Lately everyone has been asking me, " how do you blend offline marketing with online marketing?"

The answer is simple.

Get them offline, bring them online.  Get them online bring them offline.  It is what I've been doing very effectively the last six months.  So much so, I'm wondering why I haven't done this much sooner.    Now understand I'm a twenty year veteran to offline direct marketing.  Here's what I realize.    All online marketing really is -- is electronic direct mail.  It's direct marketing on glass  The Internet allows you the ability to automate everything you do.  And, can provide you a true walk-away business building empire.

Today to effectively market and build your brand I think you need to implement both offline and online marketing strategies. Particularly if you're a beginner.  When you blend them both you can create a very powerful brand awareness.  Plus, today to be really be taken seriously as a business or marketer you need to have a web presence.  If you don't you're going to be left behind.  Each medium has its advantages and disadvantages.

What offline marketing provides you is the ability to market to your prospects in a more highly targeted  cryptic fashion.  It's harder for your competitor to track what you're doing offline.  Whereas online the can easily spy on you with services like Alexa,Quantcast and SpyFu.

I like to call list rental direct marketing submarine marketing or under the radar marketing.   The other advantage that offline direct marketing has over the Internet is that you can reach "Actual Buyers" for comparable products whereas there is no feature like this available online.   Just because someone builds a huge email list does not mean they're all buyers.   Remember you're paying per click when using Google Adwords.

Next I want to talk about how to use direct marketing and not have it really cost you much money to market. It's called self financing marketing.